First Contract Win for NJ's Meals on Wheels and Senior Services Drivers and Local 196

This December, 80 drivers employed by the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) and union members of Local 196-11 voted unanimously to ratify their first collective bargaining agreement.

The drivers, a significant number of whom are African American women and senior citizens, provide critical services for residents of Camden County, NJ, including delivering meals, transporting seniors, and driving college campus buses.

The first contract addresses important concerns for the members, including retroactive pay increases, paid holidays, paid lunch for full-time drivers, health benefits, promotional opportunities, and substantial employer-provided clothing provisions.

IFPTE Atlantic Area VP and Local 196 President Sean McBride remarked, “This victory could not have been possible without the assistance provided by New Jersey State AFL-CIO President Charles Wowkanech.”

IFPTE extends our welcome and solidarity to our newest members and applauds President McBride and Business Agent Jimmy Robertello for their support and guidance throughout the negotiations.

Read the New Jersey State AFL-CIO’s story, A Union Contract for Christmas.

IFPTEIFPTE Local 196, NJ, New Jersey