Former SPEEA Legislative Director Chelsea Mason-Placek Returns to the Washington State AFL-CIO

IFPTE welcomes the news that former SPEEA-Local 2001 Legislative Director Chelsea Mason-Placek has rejoined the Washington State Labor Council (WSLC) as the Workforce Development Director. Mason-Placek will takes on the role as longtime WSLC Workforce Development Director Bill Messenger retires.

Prior to working for SPEEA, Mason-Placek worked alongside Messenger at the WSLC from 2008 to 2011. Throughout her career at SPEEA and afterward, she has honed her expertise on workforce development issue while advocating for workers and labor unions. She currently sits on the Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges and represented labor on the U.S. Department of Labor’s Workforce Information Advisory Council.

Mason-Placek commented that, “From my original time at the Labor Council and the years since, when I had the privilege of working for SPEEA and the Machinists, I’ve come to really appreciate the importance of organized labor making workers the center point of workforce development.”