IFPTE Applauds Bipartisan Agreement on Water Resources Development Act, Inclusion Union-Backed Provisions

This week, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee unveiled their compromise text for the Water Resources Development Act of 2024. The text is expected to be considered by the House of Representatives next week under suspension rules which means the bill needs 2/3 of all voting Members and is expected to pass without controversy.

The agreed-to WRDA text addresses some of the priorities that IFPTE has advocated for inclusion in the bill, particularly language that creates requirements for the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to meet before the use of remote operations on locks and dams and hydroelectric dams.

IFPTE sent a letter asking House and Senate leadership and all Members of Congress to support the swift passage of the WRDA. That letter is also being sent to all Members of Congress.

Earlier this year, IFPTE locals and IFPTE legislative staff were successful in including provisions in the House-passed WRDA bill that require USACE to inform the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and Senate Environment and Public Works Committee that remote operations will not affect the inherently governmental activities, will address cyber and physical security, and are necessary to increase capacity and availability. USACE also has to develop remote operations with stakeholder input. IFPTE Local 561 steward Michael Arendt played a key role in finding Congressional offices on both sides of the aisle who were willing to submit IFPTE’s requested language and leadership and membership at IFPTE’s Army Corps locals were a critical resource in providing frontline worker perspectives and reaching out to Members of Congress.

While the Senate WRDA bill did not have any similar language, the support of numerous Democratic and Republican offices helped keep a modified version of the IFPTE-supported language in the bill. Other federal unions representing USACE lock and dam operators and coalitions, including the Waterways Council and regional industry group, were also key in joining IFPTE in calling for accountability and transparency in USACE’s implementation of remote operations, protection of inherently governmental functions, and a policy development process that includes stakeholders.

The WRDA legislation also increases the cost share for inland navigation projects to 75% paid by federal resources and 25% paid by nonfederal resources, which improves on the current 65%-35% cost share. This will accelerate the completion of infrastructure projects and improve the reliability and efficiency of the inland waterways transportation system. The final text also authorizes robust funding for several important USACE projects. These provisions were included in the Senate WRDA bill and IFPTE urged Congress to include them in the final bill.

Read IFPTE’s letter requesting House and Senate leadership pass the bipartisan bicameral WRDA bill before the end of the year.