IFPTE Congratulates Local 12’s Kurt Nordberg on a Well-deserved Retirement

Former IFPTE Local 12 President and longtime member, Kurt Nordberg, retired this week from federal service.   Brother Nordberg has been one of IFPTE’s best Local leaders. Within IFPTE’s family, Brother Kurt lead by volunteering Local 12 to be one of the founding Locals to participate in IFPTE’s LEAP program, implementing an effective internal organizing campaign at Local 12, and maintaining and expanding Local 12’s legislative program sending members and leaders to Washington to visit lawmakers on behalf of his membership.  He was also a dedicated public servant, working at the Bremerton Naval Shipyard for more than 38 years. He started as a part-time employee when he was 16-years-old as a Pipefitter Apprentice, working his way through becoming a Journeyman Pipefitter, an Engineering Technician, Quality Assurance Specialist, and Combat Systems Branch Manager.   In addition to serving as President of Local 12, Brother Nordberg served his Local in many capacities, including as Code 130 Vice President (VP), Code 200 VP, Code 900 VP, Legislative Rep, Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Rep, and Secretary-Treasurer. 

IFPTE asked Kurt to comment on his role as a union representative. “My first IFPTE Convention was in Toronto where Convention participants marched in the streets for a single UNION member (not an IFPTE member but a SEIU Representative).  The Toronto Police closed down the streets for us in the pouring rain and it was reported that we got the employee's job back.  An injury to ONE is an injury to ALL!  That was one of the most amazing experiences in my Union career.  I find it hard to put into words what serving as an IFPTE Union Representative meant to me. I have always enjoyed helping people, but being an IFPTE Union Representative was truly rewarding.  I have worked with many amazing people throughout IFPTE, too many to list. There was always one constant in my IFPTE career and that was Matt Biggs.  Thank you Brother Matt!  Keep doing good things!”

IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer, Matt Biggs, commented on behalf of the International.  “Brother Kurt, the IFPTE family thanks you for your service to our union and the nation.  We wish you nothing but prosperity, good health and peace in your retirement!”

Candace RhettFederal