IFPTE Mourns the Loss of Longtime Local 1 Legislative Director Drew Terry

IFPTE is sad to report that Brother Drew Terry, a former president and longtime legislative director for IFPTE Local 1, passed away late last week. IFPTE executive officers commented on the Brother Terry’s passing.

President Shearon called Drew, “a tremendous asset over many years to Local 1 and IFPTE members overall, who delivered countless legislative victories for the betterment of IFPTE’s membership. The IFPTE offers our condolences to his family and to Local 1.”

IFPTE Secretary Treasurer/Legislative Director, who worked in tandem with Brother Terry on legislative issues for nearly two decades, offered this remembrance: “Brother Drew was a great friend to me, and an even better Union Brother. I spent more hours than I can remember walking the halls of Congress with Drew, and meeting with some our nation’s most powerful lawmakers. It was not uncommon for Drew to walk into a congressional office like that of Rep. Bobby Scott and the staff and Congressman to welcome him with open arms, and to listen and advocate for the issues impacting IFPTE’s members that Drew brought to the table. Brother Drew was an IFPTE icon and he will certainly be missed, but not forgotten.”

Former IFPTE Local 1 President who is now retired, Ed Cahoon, also commented calling Drew, “a bedrock leader of Local 1 whose contributions and work still benefit the Local’s membership today, and will for a very long time. He was a unionist through and through, and would give the shirt off his back to a union Sister or Brother if needed. We will miss him.” RIP Brother Drew Terry.

Candace RhettFederal