IFPTE Endorses Representative Adam Smith for Re-Election

Union’s leaders remark on Rep. Smith’s consistent advocacy for
working families, civil servants, and our national defense

WASHINGTON, DC – This week the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) announced the union’s support of Congressman Adam Smith for a 15th term in the United States House of Representatives. In doing so, IFPTE’s executive officers issued the following statements.

IFPTE President Matthew Biggs:
“IFPTE is proud to endorse Congressman Smith as he seeks reelection to serve the constituents of Washington’s Ninth Congressional District, including thousands of IFPTE Local 2001/SPEEA, Local 12, and Local 8A members. Representative Smith and his office are steadfast advocates for labor and collective bargaining rights, for working families, and for our national defense. As the top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, he has played a pivotal role in supporting IFPTE members and unions overall, IFPTE is here to support him.”

IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson:
“Congressman Smith has established himself as one of the most influential lawmakers in our nation. He has earned a reputation for working in a bipartisan manner to guarantee that our nation’s military and DOD civilian personnel have the resources and policies necessary to protect the nation. As the leading Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, he also puts a high priority on protecting workers collective bargaining rights and the federal civil service. He is a cosponsor of the PRO Act, labor’s number one legislative priority to bring fairness back to workers who are involved in organizing campaigns. Congressman Smith has stood with labor for his entire Congressional career and IFPTE is proud to support him.”

Monday, June 3, 2024
Contact: Faraz Khan
(202) 239-4892

Across the United States and Canada, IFPTE represents 90,000 highly skilled workers in the federal, public, and private sectors. IFPTE is an affiliate of the AFL-CIO and the Canadian Labour Congress.
