IFPTE Proudly Endorses Rick Larsen for Represent Washington’s Second Congressional District

Union Applauds Larsen’s Leadership on Members’ Priorities and Record of Leadership on Supporting Aerospace, Infrastructure, and Good Union Jobs 

WASHINGTON, DC – The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) endorses Rick Larsen as he seeks his 13th term to represent Everett, Bellingham, and surrounding areas in Washington State in the Second Congressional District. IFPTE’s executive officers issued the following statements. 

IFPTE President Matt Biggs:
“Congressman Rick Larsen has proven to be a strong supporter of labor unions, working families, and Washington state’s aerospace industry. As Ranking Member on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, he has continually been a resource for SPEEA/IFPTE Local 2001 whenever major issues affecting the membership arise. His leadership was key in the bipartisan passage of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, a resounding win for aircraft manufacturing and aviation workers in his district and throughout the nation. IFPTE proudly endorses Rick Larsen and we look forward to working with him in the next Congress.”   


IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson:
“Congressman Larsen knows IFPTE members and the work they do. He understands that our members’ perspectives and solutions are important to include in the legislation that the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee considers. Time and again, his leadership and bipartisan approach to passing legislation has resulted in the enactment of regional and national infrastructure priorities and ensured those investments support good jobs. Rick Larsen is a friend of IFPTE and we wholeheartedly support him as he seeks reelection to Washington’s second Congressional District.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                              
Monday, June 3, 2024                                                                                                 
Contact: Faraz Khan
(202) 239-4892

IFPTE is a labor union representing upwards of 90,000 workers across North America employed in the federal, private, and public sectors, including nearly of 25,000 private sector and federal sector workers in Washington State.  
