IFPTE Endorses Sen. Casey's No Tax Breaks for Union Busting Act, Calls for End of Taxpayer Subsidies for Union Busting

This week, Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) introduced the No Tax Breaks for Union Busting At, legislation to prevent businesses from writing off expenses incurred to bust union organizing drives.

Ahead of the bill’s introduction, IFPTE sent a letter to all Senators endorsing the legislation and asking them to cosponsor it. 

If enacted, the bill would classify employer interference in organizing campaigns as political speech under United States tax law, forbiding union deductible.  In the letter to Senators, IFPTE alerted the lawmakers that, “It certainly is disheartening to realize that U.S. businesses can subsidize their attacks on union organizing drives with the very tax dollars paid into the treasury by the employees they are seeking to intimidate.” 

The bill also includes an IRS reporting requirement for employers who intervene in protected union activities. Only a small portion of this activity is even reported to the Department of Labor currently, but on an annual basis, employers spend at least $340 million annually on union avoidance, according to a recent EPI report.

Read a PDF of IFPTE’s letter to Senators here.