IFPTE Applauds Passage of Resolution to Give House Congressional Staff Union Rights

This week, the House of Representatives voted in favor of Congressman Andy Levin’s House Resolution 915 (H. Res. 915) and gave Congressional staff working for Representatives the right to form unions and bargain collectively. The measure was approved by a vote of 217 to 202.

IFPTE has been vocal in its support for extending the right to organize to Congressional staff and sent a letter a day before the vote urging all Representatives to vote for H. Res. 915. In February, IFPTE had asked Representatives to cosponsor Rep. Levin’s resolution.

The effort to win union rights began with the Congressional Workers Union and the Congressional Progressive Staff Association announcing their intention to form a union for House of Representatives staff and demonstrating the clear need for Hill staff to have a voice at work.  Soon thereafter, Rep. Levin introduced H.Res. 915, which grants House of Representatives staff union rights under title 5 chapter 71, the same law that confers unions rights to federal government employees.

IFPTE’s letter reminds Members of the House their employees “should be extended the very same collective bargaining rights enjoyed by most of the over 2 million federal workers worldwide. H. Res. 915 will achieve this goal, while giving these staff a much-needed voice in their workplaces.”

IFPTE congratulates House of Representatives’ staff who have organized to ensure they have the legal right to unionize and join together to bargain collectively.

Read a PDF of IFPTE’s letter requesting Representatives vote for House Resolution 915 here.

Read the AFL-CIO letter supporting legislation to extend collective bargaining rights to workers at the House of Representatives.