IFPTE Endorses Sue Altman for Congress in New Jersey

Sue Altman

Altman is running to represent New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District

WASHINGTON, DC – The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), representing over 15,000 Public Sector workers in New Jersey, today announced their endorsement for Sue Altman to represent the citizens of New Jersey’s 7th District in the United States House of Representatives.

Below are comments from IFPTE Local and National Leaders: 

IFPTE Local 194 President/Hudson County Central Labor Council (CLC) President, Barry Kushnir:
“Sue Altman is a longtime and steadfast supporter of New Jersey’s working families and will no doubt bring that passion with her to the halls of Congress.  She has been particularly effective in standing up for workers in her role as executive director of New Jersey’s Working Families Alliance, something that IFPTE members and Union members across our State continue to benefit from.   She will fight to strengthen collective bargaining rights for workers everywhere, including the Public Sector.  IFPTE Local 194 and the Hudson County CLC are proud to stand with her.” 

IFPTE Local 196 President/Atlantic Area Vice President/New Jersey AFL-CIO Vice President, Sean McBride:
“Like the thousands of IFPTE members we represent throughout New Jersey, Sue Altman is a longtime public servant having worked as a teacher in our public school system.  As a teacher she not only educated our most cherished asset, our children, she did so while fighting against then-Governor Chris Christie’s attacks on teachers and public school budgets.  She will be an excellent member of Congress and IFPTE is happy to lend her our backing.”

IFPTE Local 195 Trustee/Atlantic Area Vice President, Steve Pinto:
“Sue Altman has committed that from day one in the United States House of Representatives, she will make it a priority to reverse the so-called SALT tax approved as a part of the Trump tax law that penalizes New Jersey homeowners and hurts families.  She will also fight to protect our collective bargaining rights, and for our pensions.   IFPTE is proud to support her.” 

IFPTE is a labor Union representing upwards of 90,000 workers in the Public, Federal and Private sectors in the United States and Canada. 
