IFPTE Joins Federal Workers Alliance in Urging Senate Committee to Approve Biden FLRA Nominees

This week, IFPTE was one of 21 Federal Workers Alliance (FWA) labor organizations urging the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee to approve the nominations of Ernie DuBester and Susan T. Grundmann as Members of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) and the nomination of Kurt Rumsfeld for FLRA General Counsel.

The letter, which was sent before the Committee voted Wednesday to advance the slate to the full Senate floor, applauded the nominees and notes that all three have “long and distinguished careers that establish them as perfect to serve in these critically important roles at the FLRA.”

All three nominees were “favorably approved” on a party-line vote and sent to the full Senate for consideration.

Download a PDF of the FWA letter on the FLRA nominees here.