IFPTE Joins Over 100 Organizations to Urge the Department of Education to Extend Student Loan Relief

In response to a federal court decision that has left millions of student loan borrowers uncertain about accessing affordable repayment and loan forgiveness options, IFPTE joined with over 110 organizations -- including unions, consumer groups, and legal groups -- asking the Department of Education to support working people who are in a precarious situation to protect student loan borrowers from financial ruin amid ongoing litigation.

The letter asks Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to ensure that borrowers whose loans are in administrative forbearance have that time count toward Public Service Loan Forgiveness and Income-Driven Repayment relief. Additionally, the letter requests the Department extend the September 30 deadline for the Department's "on-ramp" to repayment program and the Fresh Start enrollment cutoff, which helps financially vulnerable student borrowers. These extensions are critical in light of a recent federal court decision that has barred tens of millions of Americans from accessing affordable repayment plans, leaving the student loan system in chaos, and leaving borrowers with expensive and hard-to-access options just as these vital protections come to an end.

A copy of the letter is available here.