NPEU/IFPTE Local Hosts General Membership Meeting

NPEU/IFPTE Local 70 president, Amy Chin-Lai, and Secretary-Treasurer, Sarah Rawlins, hosted members of the Nonprofit Professional Employees Union (NPEU/IFPTE Local 70) this week for their general membership meeting.  The meeting was held virtually with a happy hour afterward. In addition to tending to internal Union business, the meeting also featured discussions on the Union’s highly successful and growing organizing program. 

President Chin-Lai commented on the meeting, calling it, “a productive meeting in which NPEU’s membership came together in Solidarity to discuss the course of our Union over the next year, and how we can all work in Unity to grow our ranks and provide our members the best contracts and representation in the non-profit industry.  I am thankful to NPEU’s membership for their engagement and involvement in our great Union.” 

The meeting was also attended by IFPTE president, Matt Biggs; Secretary-Treasurer, Gay Henson; General Counsel, Teresa Ellis; Southeastern Area VP/NPEU member, Katie Barrows, and; International Organizers, Paul Thurston and Liz Sparks.