IFPTE Local 196, Chapter 10 Supervisor, Sean McBride, Jr., Follows in His Father’s Footsteps – Sworn In As Captain of Fire Department

(l-r) Sean McBride, Sr. and Sean McBride, Jr. during swearing-in.

Brother Sean McBride, Jr., who is a member of IFPTE Local 196, Chapter 10, was recently sworn in to serve as Captain of the Atlantic Highlands Fire Department.  McBride, who is the son of IFPTE Local 196 President/Atlantic Area VP/New Jersey State AFL-CIO VP, Sean McBride Sr., achieved the position after serving as a rank-and-file firefighter in Monmouth County for over 10 years. 

McBride commented “It is always an honor to serve my community, and doing so as a firefighter has been incredibly rewarding.  Much like the work we do in representing our union sisters and brothers, stepping up to support our fellow citizens is something that our family has always done, and is immensely proud of.  I am honored to be elevated to Captain and look forward to serving for many years to come.”  

IFPTE Local 196 president McBride, who himself is a lifetime member and former fire department Captain in Monmouth County, also commented “I am very proud that Jr has followed the McBride family tradition of serving others in both his union, IFPTE Local 196, and in our community.  Could not be more proud of him!” 

The swearing-in ceremony was attended by countless union officials and members, and elected leaders, including United States Congressman Frank Pallone.  Congratulations Sean Jr.!