IFPTE Mourns the Loss of Local 21 Vice President, Kim Thompson

IFPTE is sad to report the passing of IFPTE Local 21’s, Kim Thompson, who has served the Local for many years, most recently as Vice President for the San Francisco chapter.  Local 21 president, Bianca Polovina, said, “We are all shocked and heartbroken after learning of Kim’s passing.  She was very much looking forward to and excited about attending the Convention.  All of us at Local 21 are mourning her passing and send our condolences to her family and friends.”  Sister Thompson worked as an Engineer for the City of San Francisco and was a longtime Local 21 activist and leader.  IFPTE extends our condolences to Local 21 and Kim Thompson’s family.

Kim Thompson

IFPTE Local 21’s leadership shared their individual and collective thoughts about Sister Thompson:

Kim Thompson, IFPTE Local 21’s Vice President for San Francisco and delegate to the San Francisco Labor Council, served on both Contract Action Teams and Bargaining Teams in 2019, 2022, and 2024.   Kim led Local 21’s largest jurisdiction, City and County of San Francisco, through a series of its most successful contracts.  Kim worked her way up both the City ladder and the Local 21 ladder in leadership, creating the environment and culture that would inspire her and her coworkers to give the best of themselves to city services. 

Bianca Polovina, Local 21 President, shared: “Kim Thompson shined bright wherever she found herself.  She loved life – her family, her friends, and her union family.  In our most recent contract fight in San Francisco, Kim collected the most strike pledges of any union member.  She believed in building collective power, and she did it with style and determination.  Whether we were fighting side by side on the streets and at the bargaining table, chanting on the picket line, and laughing as we celebrated, Kim always gave everything she had.  We miss our beloved friend so much.” 

Gus Vallejo, International Western Area Vice President and Local 21 Immediate Past President, shared:  "Kim was a 38-year employee of the City and County of San Francisco where we both worked in the City’s Department of Technology. I had the pleasure and honor of encouraging her to take on leadership roles within our union - first as a Chapter Delegate, then President of our IT Chapter in San Francisco and then to San Francisco Vice President where she led our most successful contract negotiations with the City. Kim blossomed as an inspiring leader…smart, kind and always smiling….she was one of a kind and will be missed.”

Frances Hsieh, International Western Area Vice President and Local 21 Vice President for Legislative and Political Action, shared:  "Kim was such an inspirational leader - compassionate, thoughtful, and never afraid of a fight. She always put others first, whether it be our members or her family and friends.  I will miss her energy at the picket line, but I know her spirit will always be marching beside us."