IFPTE Mourns the Loss of Local 98 Icon, Frank Tangorra

“If you wanted a champion in your corner, then you wanted Frank Tangorra”

WASHINGTON, DC – The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) Local 98 and International members/officers/retirees responded to the passing of former longtime Local 98 officer and President, Frank Tangorra

Former Local 98 President and Retiree, Franco DiCroce:  “Frank played an important part of Local 98 from its inception early in 1996 to his retirement in 2016, 20 years of service provided to IFPTE Local 98 via Contract Negotiations, Policy Negotiations, and many, many grievances followed by arbitrations, winning some and losing some, but Frank was in it for the fight on behalf of Bargaining Unit members’ rights under the Collective Bargaining Agreement.  He was very proud of the Local negotiated benefits like Travel Checks and Telework policy which became Army-wide policies, both ahead of time of the national policy curve.  He was also proud of the Overtime Grievance/arbitration that resulted in 1.2 million dollars of Backpay for the affected Local 98 represented workers.  

Frank operated like this: He took hold of an issue, and he did not let go until he got an answer. He was persistent and truly believed in what he was doing, which was representing the Bargaining Unit rights as per the negotiated CBA, and he did not let go!!!!  If you wanted a champion in your corner, then you wanted Frank Tangorra!!  It will be difficult to replace Frank’s knowledge and experience. 

Frank, thank you for your support and service to IFPTE Local 98 for 20 years, 10 of which you were the President.  Sincere condolences to your family, especially to your daughter Cindy and son Mark.  Rest in Peace.” 

Former Local 98 Officer and Retiree Denise Butts: “Frank was an exceptional, unique, extraordinary, and distinguished man (I can go on and on). IFPTE Local 98 at NYD and NAD was an honor working with Frank as a co-worker and union treasurer.  He will be missed.” 

Former Local 98 President, Longtime Officer, and Retiree, Stan Nuremburg: “I am honored to have had the opportunity to work with Frank and stand in Union Solidarity with him for many years as Local 98 leaders.  Frank was a fighter for our Union and was an example to all throughout IFPTE about what a true Trade Unionist is supposed to be.  I offer my condolences to his family.”  

IFPTE International Representative David LaFemina: “I worked with Frank Tangorra for many, many years.  He never hesitated to challenge management when they attempted to do things to the detriment of Local 98’s represented workers.  He was an unapologetic supporter and leader of Local 98, and a true leader with the larger IFPTE family.  Local 98 is better off today because of Frank’s decades-long service to his Union.  Rest in Peace Frank.” 

IFPTE President Matt Biggs and Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson: “On behalf of the IFPTE family throughout North America, we send our deepest condolences to Brother Tangorra’s personal and Union families.  Having worked with Frank since the early 2000’s, we can attest to his unyielding support for Local 98’s membership, and for our great labor movement.  IFPTE has lost an icon, and we will miss him.” 

IFPTE Local 98 President Chris Dols: “Local 98 is sorry to learn of Frank Tangora’s passing.  He helped to shape Local 98 into the Union we are today and took us through a very pivotal time in our evolution, including during the tragedy of September 11.  We express our deepest sympathies to his family and friends and honor him for his service to the Army Corps of Engineers and to our Union.”   

Brother Tangorra unexpectedly passed away this past Thursday, May 16, 2024. The family truly appreciates all the kind messages.  
