Local 3 Leaders and Members Attend Event with Pennsylvania Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon

IFPTE Local 3 leaders and members joined an event last week with Pennsylvania Representative, Mary Gay Scanlon.  The event, which was held in Philadelphia, was attended by several other Unions in addition to IFPTE, and provided union members and workers an opportunity to thank the Congresswoman for her staunch support of labor, particularly federal workers and their Unions, as well as update her on current issues of concerns facing Local 3 members. 

Local 3 president, Paul Dobias, commented on the get together:  “This event gave us another opportunity to update Congresswoman Scanlon and her staff on our efforts to acquire a day-care center for our members working at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, while also thanking them for keeping our Local busses running.   We appreciate her fighting for labor and workers in Congress.” 

Along with Brother Dobias, Cathryn Barnett (Steward/Trust); Michael Buggs (Trustee); Naydeen Jones-Buggs (Business Manager), and; Dawn Dillette (Executive VP) also attended.