IFPTE Newark Council 21 Elects New Officers

Members of Newark Council 21, an affiliate of IFPTE representing more than 1100 white collar and professional employees in the City of Newark, New Jersey, have elected several new union officers to serve alongside Newark Council 21 President Sean Small.

Small, who ran unopposed and was elected to serve a 2nd term as President of the union, stated, “I am proud to represent this great union and to continue the work on behalf of our dedicated members. I will work with the union’s leadership to grow the union and fight for the benefits that our members deserve.”

The following officers were elected to serve with President Small: Sonja Dabney (Secretary), Gina Butler (Treasurer), Angel Crawford (Financial Secretary), Demond Smith (Sgt. At Arms), and (7 Trustees) Luis Ortiz, Jose DaSilva, David Lippman, Ana Golinski, Roderick Judd, Tia Montigue, and Peter Pinckney.

The officers were sworn in at a membership meeting via zoom by International Representative Karen Bellamy Lewis.  IFPTE congratulates the newly elected officers of IFPTE Newark Council 21.