IFPTE, OPEIU Call on Senate to Confirm TVA Board Nominations

Before the 117th Congress adjourned in late December, IFPTE and the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) successfully joined forces in calling on the Senate to confirm President Biden’s nominations to the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Board.  In a letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and signed by IFPTE President Matt Biggs, IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson, and OPEIU President Richard Lanigan, the unions stated that, “TVA, the nation’s largest public utility, is at a pivotal moment,” and that failing to confirm the board nominees, “will result in a lack of quorum next year.” 

Read the joint IFPTE/OPEIU letter.

(12/21/2022) – Senate confirms Biden nominees for TVA to restore utility board to full 9 members (Times Free Press)

EnergyCandace RhettTVA, OPEIU