SPEEA's Rich Plunkett Named to FAA Review Panel

SPEEA/IFPTE Local 2001 Director of Strategic Engagement, Rich Plunkett, was selected this week to the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Organization Designation Authorization Expert Panel. 

The Panel was created as a result of Section 103 of Public Law 116-260, the Aircraft Certification, Safety and Accountability Act.   Specifically, Section 103 calls for an, “Expert Review of Organization Designation Authorizations for Transport Airlines,” of which Brother Plunkett will serve and provide advice. 

Plunkett’s selection comes after an endorsement from both IFPTE and the International Association of Machinists (IAMAW).  IFPTE President Matt Biggs and Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson jointly commented that, “Richard Plunkett brings with him twelve years of experience in the workplace as an aerospace worker himself before transitioning to the SPEEA staff as a labor union representative for the last 25 years.  As a SPEEA represented employee at Boeing, he worked as an engineer with responsibilities that included compliance-related matters, representing the hands-on experience and expertise needed to serve on the Panel.  It is this unique knowledge of compliance matters that also positioned him well in his union role to communicate and represent the concerns of SPEEA members performing ODA duties to the FAA.” 

Congratulations Rich and thank you to the Biden-Harris Administration for elevating another union member to an important advisory position within the federal government!