IFPTE Participates in the 71st Convention of the Metal Trades Department

Last week, IFPTE Western Federal Area Vice President/Local 121 President Jamie Uyeunten and IFPTE President Matt Biggs served as delegates to the 71st Convention of the Metal Trades Department (MTD). 

The Convention was held virtually and brought together delegates from Metal Trades Councils and Locals from across the country. The Convention reviewed the strides taken by the MTD over the last five years in representing their members and focused on how to grow the department’s membership and strength well into the future. 

Among the numerous speakers to address delegates were Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler. 

Uyeunten, who has been a delegate to is an active member/leader of the Hawaii Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, commented that, “even though the convention was a virtual one this year, the necessary work got completed, and the national officers, including MTD President Jimmy Hart, were elected to continue their great work in leading the department over the next five years.  All of us at IFPTE are very pleased with the direction the MTD is headed in.”