IFPTE Remembers Ronald Agustin and Vincent Kapoi, Jr, on the One Year Anniversary of Their Passing


FPTE shall never forget December 4th, 2019 when our Local 121 and Hawaii Federal Employees Metal Trades Council (HFEMTC) Brothers, Ronald Agustin and Vincent Kapoi, Jr, were tragically killed while on the job at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard. IFPTE remembers them, along with Roger Nakamine who survived, one year later.

Our union hopes that this tragic event will lead to the imposition of strong security and safety measures to prevent such tragedies in the future, as well as proactive mental health assistance measures at the worksite so that the civilian workers and military personnel that work side by side every day are availed these critical health services.

The IFPTE continues to offer our entire union's condolences to their families, and to the members of Local 121 and the HFEMTC who worked so closely with them.