IFPTE Requests House and Senate Armed Services Committees Maintain Key Priorities in Compromise NDAA Bill

IFPTE applauded to the bipartisan, bicameral compromise reached this week which paves the way for the swift passage by the House and Senate of the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

IFPTE president Matt Biggs noted that, “This bill certainly provides the resources and authorizations necessary to preserve and enhance our military readiness, while also including critically important items impacting IFPTE’s membership, including the repeal of DOD’s misguided two-year probationary period, and providing some flexibility when it comes to reversing the RIF process at DOD which drastically waters down tenure and Veterans Preference in RIF situations. While the compromise does not include everything IFPTE was advocating for, it is a step forward and allows us the opportunity to build on this success through next year’s NDAA process.

Secretary Treasurer Gay Henson also commented that, “This year’s NDDA pays proper recognition to both our civilian workers and military personnel, due in no small part to the great work of House and Senate Armed Services Committee Chairmen Adam Smith and Jack Reed, and Washington State Congressman Derek Kilmer, who championed several of these issues, including bringing fairness to the workers negatively impacted by the Accelerated Promotion Program donut hole, and the providing for overtime pay for civilian workers of the Navy working overseas.” Learn more about the final FY22 NDAA.

Read IFPTE’s letter on NDAA priorities here.