IFPTE Requests Senate Health & Labor Committee Advance Nomination for Julie Su to Serve as Labor Secretary

This week, IFPTE reiterated the union’s strong support for Julie Su, Deputy Labor Secretary, to be confirmed by the Senate to serve as the Secretary of Labor. Deputy Secretary Su, who is currently the Acting Labor Secretary, was vote out of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pension (HELP) Committee on Tuesday on a party line vote.  

IFPTE’s letter, addressed to HELP Committee Chair Bernie Sanders and Ranking Member Bill Cassidy, and shared with all HELP Committee members, noted that Deputy Secretary Su “has led DOL so that federal investments in the U.S. economy and implementation of historic legislation lead to good jobs, a pathway to the middle class, and economic opportunities for Americans throughout the nation.”  

Read IFPTE’s letter supporting Julie Su for Secretary of Labor.