IFPTE Responds to Nomination of Kiran Ahuja for OPM Director


WASHINGTON, DC – The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) executive officers released the following statements in response to yesterday’s nomination by President Biden of Kiran Ahuja to lead the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). 

 IFPTE President Paul Shearon: 

“IFPTE applauds President Biden for having the foresight to pick a person who has all the qualifications and experience necessary to bring the Office of Personnel Management back into a strong and effective position with the federal government.  Kiran Ahuja is a former OPM chief of staff under the Obama Administration, as well as led President Obama’s Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders aimed at improving the lives and opportunities for Asian American and Native Hawaiian families.  IFPTE also believes that, unlike the last Administration’s leadership at OPM, she respects the contributions and work of our nation’s federal workers.   We look forward to a productive working relationship with her and her team at OPM.” 

IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer/Legislative Director Matt Biggs: 

“Unfortunately, the last four years have not been kind to OPM, as the Trump Administration aimed to shutter this very critical agency.  Fortunately, Congress rejected those attempts, but there was still much damage done to the agency and its ability to perform its core mission as the HR arm of the federal government.  Kiran Ahuja will certainly have a huge job in front of her, as she will have to rebuild OPM back to pre-2017 levels and efficacy.  Given her stellar credentials and experience, IFPTE believes she will do just that, and we look forward to being a partner with her in that effort moving forward.”      

Click here for a PDF copy of the press release


IFPTEKiran Ahuja, OPM