IFPTE Responds to Ouster of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy

WASHINGTON, DC – The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), representing 90,000 workers throughout North America, including tens of thousands of federal workers across the United States, issued the following statement in response to today’s ouster of Congressman Kevin McCarthy from the Speakership in the United States House of Representatives: 

“We note with somberness today’s vote in the United States House of Representatives to vacate the office of the Speaker.  Representative McCarthy’s attempt to placate a small coalition of House Republicans who possess no respect for the Constitution, nor the proper functioning of government, preordained his historic failure. Sadly, the House of Representatives has been thrown into disarray and dysfunction because of poor leadership and due to a small cadre of radical lawmakers who would rather the government crash than serve the American public.  This dysfunction must stop!  IFPTE calls on members from both parties to work to restore order to the People’s House and move forward with passing legislation that is so critical to working families.” 

Across the United States and Canada, IFPTE represents 90,000 highly skilled workers in the federal, public, and private sectors. IFPTE is an affiliate of the AFL-CIO and the Canadian Labour Congress.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Contact: Candace Rhett