IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Participates in DPE Board Meeting

The Department for Professional Employees (DPE, AFL-CIO) held their biannual Executive Committee meeting this week. IFPTE is a longtime and proud DPE affiliate and was represented at the meeting by Secretary-Treasurer, Gay Henson.

The meeting was chaired by DPE President, Jennifer Dorning, and consisted of presentations about DPE’s latest research, legislative and communications work on behalf of DPE affiliates. Secretary-Treasurer Henson commented on the meeting: “DPE leaders and their staff are a great resource for IFPTE and all DPE affiliated unions. The research products they publish, along with the communications and legislative efforts, allow IFPTE to be even stronger as we work to grow through organizing while representing our current membership. The meeting was an opportunity to learn about DPE’s latest work.”

Learn more about DPE here.