IFPTE Stands in SOLIDARITY with AFT President Randi Weingarten

IFPTE issued a strong statement of support last week in support of American Federation of Teachers (AFT) president Randi Weingarten, after she was the subject of a vile verbal attack from former Secretary of State, MIke Pompeo, who called the union leader “the most dangerous person in the world.” 

IFPTE’s statement also served as a condemnation of Mr. Pompeo, who additionally asserted that our nation’s teachers teach “filth.”  IFPTE President Matt Biggs called Pompeo’s remarks, “outrageous,” while Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson noted that the AFT president, “consistently stands in Solidarity with all workers, from all walks of life across our nation,” and that, “This attack on her is unjust and IFPTE has her back!” 

Read IFPTE’s full statement here


11/23/2022 – AFL-CIO press release, Labor Movement Strongly Condemns Mike Pompeo’s Disgusting Assault on America’s Educators