IFPTE Supports House Passage of NDAA With Numerous Provisions Addressing Members' Concerns

This week, as the House was set to consider the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), IFPTE sent a letter to Representative and urged passage of the bipartisan legislation which “provides for our nation’s security, supports uniformed service members and their families, honors and meets the needs of our veterans, and addresses several important issues that directly impact IFPTE members.”

The bill was passed by the House on Thursday evening with 316 votes in favor and 113 votes against. The bipartisan bill includes a number of provisions that IFPTE has advocated for:

  • Restores the one-year probationary period for DOD workers, reversing the FY2016 NDAA’s two-year probationary period

  • Blocks the use of term and temporary hiring for “enduring functions” in DOD

  • Extends the Fair Labor Standard Act overtime pay requirements to Navy employees working on vessels outside the continental United States

  • Requires an independent study to identify impacted Navy shipyard workers who lost wages and missed promotions because of the misguided decision in 2016 by the Navy Office of Civilian Human Resources to briefly cancel the Accelerated Promotion Program

  • Restores seniority and veterans preference in the event of a reduction in force

  • Calls for comprehensive reporting pertaining to civilian sexual harassment and assault in the workplace

  • Strengthens metrics used to track and promote pay equity and a diverse workforce

The letter also recognizes the successful efforts of Rep. Kilmer (D-WA) to add amendments on extending overtime and locality pay to Navy employees working outside the continental U.S. and for studying the impact on Navy employees who lost wages during the pause in the Navy’s Accelerated Promotion Program. Those amendments to the bill were cosponsored by Rep. Rob Whittman (R-VA), Rep. Kai Kahele (D-HI), Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA), Rep. Ed Case (D-HI), Rep. Ann Kuster (D-NH).

The letter also notes that the bill includes “Buy American” language championed by Rep. Donald Norcorss (D-NJ) that increases domestic content requirement for major defense procurement programs to 75% by 2029.

The Senate has filed their version of the NDAA this week and IFPTE looks forward to working to include our priorities in the enacted legislation,

Read the full IFPTE letter here.