IFPTE Union Council 8 Stewards Training

IFPTE Union Council 8 held it’s first Shop Steward training class under the Union’s new leadership. There were two separate training days in order to accommodate the 27 Shop Stewards who participated.

The training was held on October 6, 2021 and October 20, 2021 at the union’s new office located in Elizabeth, NJ. IFPTE International Representative, Karen Bellamy Lewis, instructed the class with a curriculum that covered what every Shop Steward needs to succeed in their role. Everyone in attendance was eager to learn and were highly engaged throughout the training.

Union Council 8 President Michael Breunig stated: "These trainings gave great insight into the thought processes behind being a reliable shop steward. The visible confidence of the stewards as they left makes me proud that we will continue to serve our membership in these unheralded times."