SCMMA Members So Engaged, AGM Takes Two Sessions

On October 27th, the Saskatoon Civic Middle Management Association (SCMMA - “ski” “ma”) IFPTE Local 222 held its Annual General Meeting and was able to further solidify its place in the IFPTE family. This is the 2nd AGM conducted under the affiliation of IFPTE. As with most public gatherings, the AGM was held online. President Jackie Morley and the executive prepared a number of motions to enhance the governing structure of SCMMA. Among the changes are the addition of Robert’s Rules of Order in terms of governance, an annual budget process, and a move to quarterly meetings, in addition to the AGM. 

“Our membership has become much more active in the last few years, and even more so being affiliated with IFPTE. The constitutional changes were needed to ensure the integrity of the organization for years to come. We’re pleased the language changes came from a combination of SCMMA leadership, IFPTE staff, and the members themselves,” said Jackie Morley, SCMMA/IFPTE Local 222 President. 

IFPTE President Matt Biggs was also given an opportunity to address SCMMA members and talked about the important bargaining wins achieved during the pandemic. President Biggs also mentioned the difficulty labour organizations are experiencing in North America with regards to vaccine mandates, return to work policies, and working from home protocols. He was proud to mention the extensive information-sharing underway between Locals to ensure IFPTE members get the best policies and information possible. President Biggs closed his remarks with words of support as Saskatchewan was experiencing the worst effects of the COVID-19 fourth wave.  

The AGM was successful; however, because of the level of interest from members, it went over the allotted time, and a second follow-up meeting was held to pass the proposed 2021-2022 budget on Thursday, November 4th. The budget was passed and SCMMA Local 222 is ready to continue its top tier representation of the membership.

Candace RhettSCMMA, AGM