IFPTE Urges Members to Get Vaccinated – “COVID-19 Vaccination is Critical to Getting Back to Normal”

As citizens across Canada and the United States continue to gain access to COVID-19 vaccines, including tens of thousands of IFPTE members, IFPTE joins the growing chorus of labor organizations in urging members and their families to get the vaccine when it becomes available to them.  IFPTE President Paul Shearon, who received his second shot this week, noted that “getting the COVID-19 vaccine is critical to getting back to normal, both for our physical and mental health, and for getting our economies back up and running at full speed.  IFPTE is proud to join in calls in both Canada and the United States urging everyone to get vaccinated.”  Local 195 President/Atlantic Council President Tim Rudolph also got his second vaccine shot this week, and in doing so commented that “while IFPTE understands that there is apprehension among some toward the vaccine, particularly communities of color, we take comfort in knowing that our federal government has assured us that the vaccine is safe and effective.  As a leader within IFPTE in New Jersey, I lend my voice of support in encouraging members to go get vaccinated.”  IFPTE has also signed onto the United States Surgeon General’s COVID-19 Community Corps effort in which the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), other agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and other partners, including IFPTE, will be sharing up-to-date, accurate resources with you about COVID-19 vaccines.  IFPTE will be sharing this information in the weekly Recap. 

Below is what President Biden and members of the Administration spoke about this week; please share with your members:

  • President Biden announced all adults in the U.S. will be eligible to receive authorized COVID-19 vaccines starting April 19. Check it out here.

  • NIAID Director Dr. Fauci spoke about pregnant women and COVID-19 vaccination safety. Check it out here.

  • CDC Director Dr. Walensky confirmed this past week that 80 percent of teachers and school staff have already received at least one dose of a vaccine. Check it out here.

  • HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra announced today that all HRSA-funded health centers and Health Center Program look-alikes (LALs) will now be invited to participate in the Health Center COVID-19 Vaccine Program . These health centers will have the opportunity to join the program as soon as they are ready, increasing the total number of health centers that have been invited to 1,470 nationwide. Check it out here.

More to come next week…

Candace Rhett