IFPTE Welcomes the Advancement of FLRA Nominee Anne Wagner Out of Senate Homeland Security with Bipartisan Support

Union Committed to Quick Confirmation of Wagner for FLRA Member and Summerlin for FLRA General Counsel

WASHINGTON, DC – The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) commended the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) for voting to advance Anne Wagner, President Biden’s nominee for Member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA), favorably out of HSGAC with bipartisan support. On Wednesday, Wagner received 9 votes in favor and zero votes against from the HSGAC Members who were present, with seven Democrats and two Republicans supporting her. Along with Wagner, current FLRA Member Coleen Duffy Kiko was also advanced out of the Committee. IFPTE executive officers provided the following comments in support of Anne Wagner and FLRA General Counsel Nominee Suzanne Summerlin, who was advanced out of HSGAC in January.

IFPTE President Matthew Biggs:

IFPTE thanks Chairman Peters and the Senators on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee for favorably reporting Anne Wagner out of the Committee with bipartisan support. Restoring the functionality of the FLRA is not just a top priority for IFPTE, it is critically important for harmonious federal labor- management relations, successful federal agencies, and quality public services. IFPTE appreciates President Biden’s nomination of Anne Wagner for FLRA Member and Suzanne Summerlin for FLRA General Counsel, both of whom are highly qualified and backed by our union. We’re committed to making sure both Wagner and Summerlin are confirmed as soon as possible.”

IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson:

Restoring the labor board for the country’s largest employer, the federal government, is an immediate priority for IFPTE and for the labor movement. The frustration caused by not having a full FLRA has been difficult for all federal unions, but we’re extremely motivated to get Anne Wagner confirmed, along with Suzanne Summerlin, the nominee for the FLRA General Counsel. The lack of a full FLRA board and a Senate-confirmed General Counsel not only leaves federal workers vulnerable but also leaves agencies and federal employees unable to resolve disputes and creates uncertainty. We are extremely fortunate to have two highly qualified nominees, Wagner and Summerlin, and are looking forward to working to support their confirmation.”

IFPTE Western Federal Area Vice President Jamie Uyeunten:

This is significant progress on nominations that are important for our union and, more importantly, our members. I want to commend President Biggs, Secretary-Treasurer Henson and the entire Federal Caucus for their thoughtful and effective leadership on this matter. By using a strategic approach, IFPTE was able to help lead the process to this point, and that same strategy will continue to serve us well as we move forward.”

IFPTE Eastern Federal Area Vice President Benjamin Emmel:

 “I want to thank IFPTE local union leaders and rank-and-file members from across the federal sector for being part of the team that helped get these nominations through the committee process. We serve our members best when we act in solidarity, and federal workers represented by IFPTE are responding by signing up to join our union. By banding together, we will continue to advocate and grow our locals across the federal sector.”

Across the United States and Canada, IFPTE represents 90,000 highly skilled workers in the federal, public, and private sectors. IFPTE is an affiliate of the AFL-CIO and the Canadian Labour Congress.


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