Labor of Love: IFPTE Secretary Treasurer Joins Annual Sequoyah Spirit Fund Easter Giveaway

Children receiving Easter baskets from the Sequoyah Spirit Fund Easter Giveaway.

IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer, Gay Henson, joined colleagues and volunteers this week in Tennessee to participate in an Easter basket distribution event for children and families in the greater Chattanooga region. 

The annual Sequoyah Spirit Fund Easter event sponsored over 120 children who had their pictures taken with the Easter Bunny and received an Easter/Spring basket full of toys and treats.  The Spirit Fund, which is a 501-C3 charity that is a part of the federal government’s Combined Federal Campaign, has given away upwards of $2.7 million in services and help to those in need since its inception in 1999. 

Sister Henson, who ran the charity for over 20 years, commented:  “It is a true honor to be able to participate in this event each year and to be able to personally interact with the over 120 children and their families that we sponsor.  Those of us in the Labor Movement understand that we have a unique obligation to give back to our communities because it is as fulfilling for us as it is for these wonderful children.  My Local union, the EA/IFPTE Local 1937 has actively participated with this charity for the past two decades in coordination with TVA and Sequoyah workers, and we thank those that contribute to this charity, and are honored to be able to help so many people.  It is inspiring, uplifting, and most importantly, fun for the children.”  

Retired EA/IFPTE Local 1937 member, Ken Parker, and IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson

Candace Rhett