Labor Scores Major Win with Rejection of California Recall Effort

California voters overwhelmingly voted against removing Governor Gavin Newsom from office this past Tuesday. Supporters of the effort to recall Newsom were motivated in part by their opposition to issues important to IFPTE members, including ballot access, unemployment insurance and measures to protect workers at the jobsite from the coronavirus. IFPTE joined the labor movement in educating members and turning out the vote, which contributed significantly to the large margin by which the recall campaign was defeated.

In recognizing this major victory for working families, IFPTE President Matt Biggs and Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson stated, "The major lesson from this failed effort to turn back workers' rights and weaken the labor movement is that the vast majority of the general public do not support that extreme agenda. We urge Governor Newsom to use his mandate to move forward more pro-worker and pro-union initiatives in California, and we hope elected officials in other states and at the federal level will do the same." The California Labor Federation published an informative analysis on the recall election, which can be read here.

Candace RhettCA Recall