Local 196 Represented Toll Booth Operator Injured, But Thankfully Survives Truck Crash

IFPTE Local 196 President/Atlantic Area Vice President, Sean McBride, notified the International this week that a Local 196 member working at the Barnegat Toll Plaza was injured but survived when a garbage truck collided with her toll booth on Wednesday. 

Brother McBride reported that the Local 196 member, “was at the hospital for less than 24 hours and is currently at home resting on workers comp with a back injury,” and that, “Local 196 has been in touch as much as possible making sure she is ok.” 

Brother McBride also reported on his ongoing work with the Garden State Parkway to improve safety.  “We have been working closely with those safety and other agencies to find out what happened and how we can better protect our members.  The saving grace was the concrete bull-nose that forces vehicles to the side and protects our members.”  The IFPTE family wishes the injured Local 196 member a speedy recovery. 

Read more about the crash in NJ.com.