McBride Attends Swearing In of IFPTE-Endorsed Candidate for District Attorney, Jody Owens

IFPTE Atlantic Area Vice President/Local 196 President, Sean McBride, recently attended the swearing-in ceremony for Hinds County (Jackson), Mississippi District Attorney, Jody E. Owens, II. 

Owens, who has spent his professional career fighting for workers, including as a civil rights lawyer protecting the rights of working families and the most vulnerable people in our society, earned IFPTE’s endorsement in September after working and meeting with Brother McBride while pursuing organizing opportunities in Mississippi. 

Brother McBride commented on the swearing-in, saying “District Attorney Owens clearly understands that the quickest and most sustainable route to the middle-class is by organizing unions and growing union density in this nation.  His career has spanned from Capitol Hill to Hinds County, and through it all he has been laser-focused on promoting policies that help working families, including free and unfettered access for workers to organize unions.  I am proud to be IFPTE’s ambassador to him and his staff and look forward to continuing to do so as we attempt to organize here in Mississippi.” 

Before being elected District Attorney, DA Owens spent 10 years as a civil rights lawyer fighting for the rights of vulnerable, marginalized, and working families in Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, and Alabama. Owens is a Lieutenant in the United States Navy Florida and has proudly served his country for over ten years. Jody is a graduate of Jackson State University and earned his law degree from Howard University School of Law.

(l-r) IFPTE Vice President Sean McBride and Mississippi District Attorney Jody Owens