Manitoba Government Exploring Card Check and Anti-Scab Legislation

In Manitoba this week the new NDP government has taken an important step forward toward establishing a simple one-step unionization process (50%+1 card check) and implementing a long overdue ban on the use of replacement workers (anti-scab).

In a release this week from Kevin Rebeck, President of the Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL)he indicated that, “the Minister of Labour, Honourable Malaya Marcelino, officially tasked the Labour Management Review Committee (LMRC) with giving her advice on these two important measures, which are critically important to re-balance Manitoba’s labour laws after the Pallister/Stefanson government tipped the scales so heavily against working people and unions.”  

Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew has always said he thinks that card check and anti-scab make sense, but that he would want to consult with unions and business before moving forward.  

According to Rebeck, “Manitoba’s labour movement has been fighting for anti-scab legislation for almost 50 years. So, while this week’s referral to LMRC is welcome news, we can’t declare victory until legislation is introduced and passed. We know that Manitoba’s business community will mount strong opposition, so we need to take every opportunity to let the government know how important these measures are for fairness and to protect good jobs. Please continue to raise the importance of card check and anti-scab with the government at every opportunity.” 

View CTV Winnipeg story: 'Nobody wants a strike': Manitoba NDP eyes ban of replacement workers