MOBILIZATION ALERT: Join IFPTE, AFL-CIO Executive Council, Biden Administration in Calling for Increased National Labor Relations Board Funding

Last week IFPTE signed onto an AFL-CIO executive council letter urging Congress to finally, once and for all, increase the funding for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).  The NLRB, which is tasked with, among other things, ensuring that workers have the freedom to form unions absent union-busting interference by employers, has been funded at stagnant levels since Fiscal Year 2014 and will be forced to furlough NLRB staff absent an increase in funding.  The letter was sent to House and Senate leaders and urged them to, “follow President Biden’s lead and commitment to empower workers and promote collective bargaining…give the NLRB the funding it needs, at least $368 million…”. 

Read the full letter here, and sign your own letter to Congress here.