Senate Confirms Gwynne Wilcox to Continue Serving on NLRB

On Wednesday, the Senate voted to confirm Gwynne Wilcox to serve a full term on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) with bipartisan support. Ahead of the confirmation vote, IFPTE sent a letter urging Senators to support Wilcox, who has served on the NLRB since August 2021, and noted her as a “highly qualified nominee whose experience working in public service and private practice is an asset to the NLRB.” 

IFPTE’s letter also noted that her presence on the NLRB is critical to workers as our nation is at a moment where “Americans will have opportunities to unionize in advanced manufacturing industries, in clean energy and electrification, in critical supply chains, in strategic sectors of the economy, and in occupations that are important to the local economy and working families.”

IFPTE applauds Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for moving her nomination though the Senate and making sure the NLRB is able to protect worker’s democratic rights to organize and join together to bargain collectively.

Senators supporting her confirmation include Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), who made the support for Wilcox bipartisan. See how you Senators voted here.

Read IFPTE’s letter to Senators here.