Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, Congressman Tonko, Stand Up in Support of Local 147

After hearing from IFPTE Local 147 leaders during IFPTE's legislative week about the unjust movement of work from the Local's bargaining unit to non-represented workers elsewhere, New York Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, along with Congressman Paul Tonko, issued a strong letter to the Department of Energy (DOE), with a statement of support for the union and their members.  

The joint letter to DOE from the Congressional lawmakers comes as Fluor Marine Propulsion (FMP) is inappropriately moving union represented work performed by Local 147 members from the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (KAPL) in New York to unrepresented workers at Bettis in Pennsylvania, and calls on DOE Secretary Jennifer Granholm “to engage with FMP and reverse course, returning this work to KAPL,” and further requesting, “that DOE work with FMP in the renewal process to ensure that the company will maintain this fully federally funded workforce in New York going forward.” 

Read the full statement and letter here...