CANCELED: Proposed Solidarity Action Supporting IATSE Members at Strathmore

Thank you to everyone in DC metropolitan area who offered to join us on Friday, October 15, at the Strathmore concert hall in Bethesda, Maryland, to support our International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees union (IATSE) sisters and brothers who work in the venue’s ticket office. The Gipsy Kings canceled their Friday evening concert, so IATSE decided to postpone the picket.

We will keep you informed as negotiations continue and let you know if there is another opportunity to support their effort to secure a fair contract that recognizes the contributions that these IATSE members make to Strathmore every day. 

Original Solidarity Alert, posted October 8, 2021:

IFPTE members in the DMV are encouraged to join IFPTE International President Matt Biggs on Friday, October 15, to support our sisters and brothers in IATSE who are in negotiations with management at the Strathmore concert hall in North Bethesda, Maryland. Six years ago the workers in the ticket office at Strathmore voted unanimously to join IATSE.

Ever since then, management at Strathmore has used every tool in the anti-worker, anti-union toolkit to try to frustrate the union and its members. They've even gone so far with this pointless fight that they've lost their home symphony.

If management continues these tactics and IATSE needs our support, we will meet at the Grosvenor Metro Station Kiss & Ride dropoff area on Friday, October 15, at 6 p.m. to participate in an informational picket as guests arrive for that night's performance of the Gipsy Kings.

Wear comfortable shoes and bring your shouting voice. For more information or to RSVP, please email

If you are outside the metropolitan D.C. area or unable to picket, you can support these workers by signing an online petition.