SOLIDARITY ALERT: Support Striking Kellogg Workers // Solidarity Success Update on BCTGM Nabisco Strike Victory

At midnight on Tuesday, October 5, 1,400 workers at four Kellogg Co. plants in the United States went on strike against the company.  For more than a year during the COVID-19 pandemic, these BCTGM represented workers around the country have been working long, hard hours to produce Kellogg cereals for America’s families. 

The Kellogg Company, which has been raking in record profits, thanks these workers by demanding that they give up quality health care, retirement benefits, and holiday and vacation pay, while also threatening to send additional jobs to Mexico if workers do not accept outrageous proposals that take away protections they have had for decades. 

IFPTE stands in strong solidarity with these striking and urges our locals and members to join us.  Click here to add your name in supporting these workers.  

Solidarity Success Update on BCTGM Nabisco Strike Victory

On September 18, the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM) strike at Nabisco ended with BCTGM union members ratifying a new contract with pay and retirement benefit increases.

In recognition of IFPTE’s support for strike at Nabisco, BCTGM President Anthony Shelton thanked IFPTE President Matthew Biggs. President Shelton wrote, “Our victory over Nabisco was the result of the courage and sacrifice of our striking Nabisco members and their families and the tremendous Solidarity throughout the labor movement .This truly was a victory for all of labor.”

IFPTE locals and members also supported the BCTGM members striking at Nabisco. Notability, SPEEA/Local 2001 contributed $6,000 in grocery gift cards to support the households of striking workers in Portland, Oregon.

Read BCTGM President Anthony Shelton’s letter thanking IFPTE for supporting striking Nabisco workers.

See IFPTE’s September 9th SOLIDARITY ALERT: IFPTE Stands with Striking Nabisco Workers, Urges Locals and Members to Join the Fight