SOLIDARITY ALERT: Strike Wave Hits Kaiser Permanente

ESC/IFPTE Local 20 struck Kaiser Permanente in sympathy with colleagues from Local 39, alongside 40,000 other SEIU-UHW and OPEIU Local 29 union members.  The sympathy strike was held on November 18.

For 24 hours, from 7 a.m. on November 18th to 7 a.m. on November 19th, ESC Local 20 members at Kaiser Permanente joined with 40,000 other SEIU-UHW and OPEIU Local 29 members to strike in sympathy with 700 Local 39 Stationary Engineers who have been on strike for 8 weeks.​  Read more information on the sympathy strike...

ESC Fact Sheet for the Local 39 Sympathy Strike.  

ESC outlines the disaster Kaiser’s labor relations have become over the last couple of years.