Speaker McCarthy, House Freedom Caucus Set to Shut Down the Federal Government – IFPTE Prepares

This week, the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, and the anti-worker House Freedom Caucus turned a blind eye to bipartisan legislation that passed the Senate to keep the United States Federal Government funded and running.  In doing so, the Speaker has turned his back on a bipartisan blueprint agreed to earlier this year with President Biden to pass the Fiscal Year 2024 spending measures.  In preparation for a shutdown, IFPTE, representing tens of thousands of federal workers, has launched a website entitled, “Shutdown Resources for Federal Employees,” where IFPTE members and all federal workers can find helpful information to mitigate the damage that a shutdown will have on them and their families.  If the government does shut down on Sunday, October 1st, the website will continue to be updated throughout the duration of the government closure.    


TAKE ACTION – Tell Congress to Stop the Shutdown and Fund the Government Immediately
Congress needs to act urgently and pass a short-term government spending bill, called a continuing resolution (or CR), by September 30 to avoid a federal government shutdown on October 1, 2023.  If Congress fails to pass a bill to fund the government, the resulting government shutdown will be felt in every Congressional district and across the U.S. economy.