Arendt Back on Capitol Hill Talking WRDA

This week, Mike Arendt, IFPTE Local 561 Steward/Federal Caucus Legislative Committee Chair, visited Capitol Hill following his visit with lawmakers earlier this month. Arendt was back on Capitol Hill meeting with key lawmakers about the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA).  WRDA authorizes funding for the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), which will likely pass during this Congress. As such, Arendt, who was joined on Capitol Hill by IFPTE Legislative Director, Faraz Khan, is making the rounds to advocate for inclusion of IFPTE-recommended legislative language in the WRDA bill, including language to block the USACE from replacing workers at our nation’s hydroelectric and navigational locks with remote operations. 

Arendt commented that, “it is very important that IFPTE, particularly all Army Corps Locals, continue to engage Congressional lawmakers on our issues as they get closer to crafting and moving the WRDA bill.  I am pleased with the direct coordination on our issues with Faraz Khan and the International and look forward to continuing our work together.” 

See the IFPTE Army Corps of Engineers priorities here