SPEEA/Local 2001's Matthew Joyce Setting His Sights on the Kansas House

IFPTE is proud to announce that SPEEA/IFPTE Local 2001 member Matthew Joyce is running for the Kansas legislature. Matthew proudly serves as the SPEEA Council Representative (shop steward) at Spirit, has led four contract negotiations on behalf of 1,000 engineers, and represents 2,500 engineers and technical workers in employee/employer disputes. As a current board member of the Derby Public Schools since 2009, an aerospace engineer, community volunteer, labor leader, and lifelong Kansan, Matthew will prioritize preserving and creating jobs – particularly unions represented jobs – for the residents of Kansas’ 81st House District.

IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer/Legislative Director Matt Biggs commented, saying that, “It is obviously great to see that a strong member of the IFPTE family is seeking statewide elected office in Kansas. When elected, I have no doubt that Matthew will bring his union card to work with him each day by fighting for robust collective bargaining rights for workers across the state, and the creation of good, union represented jobs.” 

Learn more about Matthew’s stance on the issues here, and please contribute to his campaign.
