“Thank A Worker” - A Labor Day Letter from IFPTE’s Executive Officers

Dear IFPTE Sisters and Brothers:

Labour Day 2024 comes at a time when workers across North America are exercising their collective strength inside and outside of the workplace.  The 90,000 members represented by the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) can be proud that we are all playing a huge role in this historic, grassroots, workers-led movement we see occurring throughout all sectors of the workforce. 

For example, IFPTE’s organizing program is being led at the ground level by our Locals, including the Engineers and Scientists of California (ESC/Local 20); the Non-Profit Employees Union (NPEU/Local 70); the Society of United Professionals (SUP/Local 160); Locals 194, 195, 196 and NJCSA 8 in New Jersey; and SPEEA/Local 2001, among many other Locals.  The International is working with all these Locals, and others, and is even in the process of standing up a new Local that will be comprised of Unionized lawyers working at private sector law firms.  While much of the press coverage around the success of organizing drives is largely focused on Unions like the United Auto Workers and the Teamsters, IFPTE members can be assured that their Union is also doing our part by growing our strength through organizing.

We are also laser-focused on legislative success.  IFPTE is proud to be a non-partisan Union, but also understands that our very existence, and our legal posture when it comes to fighting for and negotiating successful wage and benefit packages for our members, is directly related to what lawmakers at all levels of government are legislating.  IFPTE’s long and successful legislative program is something we are very proud of and one that will continue to deliver victories for our members.

As we continue to grow and represent our members, we must also not forget our past and the shoulders of those we stand on who came before us.  In fact, the theme of our recently concluded 61st Triennial Convention was Honoring Our Past, Inspiring Our Future, where IFPTE delegates from across North America came together for a week of Solidarity and to pay respect to our rich history as a Union.  Let us not forget that IFPTE was established in 1918 and has fought many fights for our members over these last 106 years.  This is a milestone that will be celebrated by the United States Department of Labor (DOL) on September 17th when IFPTE will be inducted into the DOL’s Century of Service Honor Roll of American Labor Organizations.  As we recognize Labour Day this year, we can all celebrate this honor, and take pride in knowing IFPTE’s more than 100 years of advocacy and service to our members and workers will forever be memorialized in the historic Frances Perkins DOL Headquarters in Washington, DC.

Labour Day itself is celebrating its 130th anniversary, having been formally established as a Federal holiday in both Canada and the United States in 1894.  And, for many years prior to 1894, workers and their Unions demanded this Federal holiday that honors all work and workers.  Today Labour Day is also a time for families and friends to come together to mark the end of Summer, the start of the new school year, and a recharging of sorts for those of us who go to work each and every day.   No matter how we celebrate Labour Day, let’s all remember to honor one another as IFPTE Union Siblings, and in doing so also pay respect to all workers we may come across, whether they are bagging our groceries, driving our buses and trains, providing our essential services, or giving us our health care.   Let’s all Thank a Worker this Labour Day! 

Happy Labour Day, and In Solidarity,                                      

Matthew S. Biggs                                                 Gay Henson
President                                                                Secretary