TVA Management Message to Outsourced IT Workers - 'Suck It Up and Train Your Replacements'

As Congress was just completing another spending package this week worth nearly $500 billion aimed at saving jobs, the Tennessee Valley Authority, a federal government entity, was moving full steam ahead in outsourcing hundreds of IT jobs. 

TVA management met with the impacted workers this week informing them that they have to train their replacements, and in doing so they should remain ‘professional’ while ‘taking the high road’. Many of these jobs, which are being outsourced to foreign companies CapGemini and Accenture, will likely be offshored overseas with the remaining positions in the United States being performed by H-1B visa holders. 

This week’s meetings come on top of an April 8th note from a TVA senior manager alerting the impacted workers that they should “continue to demonstrate the professionalism you’ve shown to date when working on the transition assignments.” 

Read TVA's insulting letter here