Unions Build Army of Canvassers in Battleground Pennsylvania

IFPTE continues to help coordinate labor's 2024 GOTV effort from Harrisburg to Philadelphia.  Launching cavasses, training campaign union leads, and recruiting volunteers, IFPTE is supporting a historic deployment of union activists to make sure members in Pennsylvania are hearing from their sisters, brothers, and siblings about the importance of voting in this year's election.

"We encourage every member of IFPTE to do their part to protect our hard-fought gains in the political arena and at the bargaining table," said President Matt Biggs.  "Some people don't like politics, but the fact is that if we don't have pro-union leaders in the White House, Congress, and at every other level of government, we will lose out to big business and other special interests who want to destroy our rights as workers."

"We urge you to join the fight to build a pro-union majority in elective offices across the country," said Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson.  "Even if you can't work on the ground in a battleground state like Pennsylvania, you can support the cause by phone banking, sending postcards, or virtually campaigning in some other way."

JOIN THE FIGHT!  You can help protect our rights as workers and union members by supporting IFPTE's VOTE 2024 program.  Fill out this form to sign up and identify the ways that you can be part of the campaign to build a pro-worker, pro-union majority!